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with you


We endeavour to be an expression
of God’s love in the community


We are a down to earth community sustained by the seasons and sacraments of our tradition. We also value open-hearted, open-minded enquiry, and those who are new to church can be sure of a warm welcome to continue their spiritual journey in our company.


Sister Jane bell, St George's Walpole

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St Leonard's, Denmark

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EMPLOYMENT - CLEANER - Permanent Part-Time

St Leonard’s Church, Mustard Seed Op Shop, Kitchen, and Toilets

$35 x 3 hours totalling $105 per week, paid monthly, plus Superannuation, Annual & Sick Leave. Equipment and supplies provided.

Times negotiable outside opening hours & church activities, preferably later in week or Saturday. Please send covering letter, brief CV, and contact details of two referees to:

Job Description: link below or contact Tom Sheard 0487 635 585 (enquiries)

St Leonard's
cnr Strickland & Mitchell Denmark

Sunday 9.30am

Eucharist or Morning Prayer

1st Thurs of month

said Eucharist, 2pm

last Sunday of month

Evening Prayer, 7pm

Twilight Meditations, 6pm

monthly - taking a break

Our doors are open for private prayer during Mustard Seed opening hours

(see above)

St George's
cnr Vista & Pier

Sunday 10am

Eucharist or Morning Prayer

first Sunday of month

Taize Evening Prayer, 5pm

taking a break

Twilight Meditations
St Leonard's

taking a break

Silence, simple reflections,chants
by candlelight
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