Our Story ... coming soon

Remembrance Day
11th November 2018
11am by St Leonard's bell
The St Leonard’s church bell rang out on Remembrance Day 2018, as it did when news of the armistice reached Denmark in 1918.
On learning that peace had been declared Rev. Augustus Wolseley rang the bell outside St Leonard’s then jumped on his bay horse, Timmy, to spread the welcome news through the district.
The same bell is in place today.
After the original bell mysteriously disappeared early in the church's history, (possibly acquired by another church between 1904 and 1909) it was replaced by a railway wheel rim probably left over from Millar’s rolling stock, and hung from a railway sleeper frame.
Photo: St Leonard’s parishioner Col. Chris Prickett (Retd.) rings the St Leonard’s bell on Remembrance Day.