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Until mid-2020 the parish provided food, fuel, gas bottle & Mustard Seed Op Shop Vouchers for emergency relief, provided by Boniface Care & administered for us by the Denmark Community Resource Centre. This has now been replaced by a new government funded scheme:


Denmark CRC Hardship Support. If you are experiencing homelessness or need something to eat, or a place to shower, the CRC are there to help. There is a monthly community breakfast, and other food relief is available.


The parish still provides Mustard Seed vouchers to the CRC, and can be contacted for IGA vouchers if CRC services are unavailable. 

Denmark Community Resource Centre

2 Strickland St, Denmark (down from Supa IGA)

9848 2842 


Other sources of assistance: Anglicare WA - Albany St John's Centre - offers support for those experiencing domestic violence, and many other kinds of counselling services. Several other organisations may also be of assistance.



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